Perfect Guide for Choosing Pizza Oven for Your Restaurant

Choosing the best pizza oven for your Texas restaurant is a matter of knowing the options that are available to you. If this is your first or tenth time owning a restaurant or going into the restaurant business, you know how important having the right restaurant equipment is for your business. 

As simple as baking a pizza may seem, there are a lot of different types of ovens that you can use to bake them. The most common types of pizza ovens that you will find in restaurants are: 

  • Brick pizza ovens. 
  • Pizza Deck ovens. 
  • Conveyor pizza ovens. 
  • Pizza convection ovens. 

Each one of these commercial pizza ovens not only bakes pizza differently, but each has their own benefits and costs that go into using them. Here is our perfect guide for choosing the right pizza oven for your restaurant. 

Brick Pizza Ovens

Brick ovens have limited cooking space and slower cook times than a conveyor pizza oven, and they only have one, flat space that you can bake on in the pizza oven. Though these pizza ovens have become the most popular due to the unique flavors and textures that they add to pizzas, they take up quite a bit of space. They bake a high-quality pizza, but you can’t bake near as many pizzas per hour that you can with faster ovens, such as conveyor pizza ovens. Brick pizza ovens can usually hold ten to a dozen pizzas at a time, and can cook a pizza as quickly as 5 minutes. If you are able to keep the fire in the oven burning hot and consistently, you aren’t going to lose a lot of time in heat recovery and can maintain a fairly quick pace of baking. 

These pizza ovens are best in small to mid-sized restaurants, as they give you a lot of quality, but do not allow for the greatest space or volume for baking. 

Pizza Deck Ovens

Pizza deck ovens also have a slower output or production of pizzas than conveyor ovens. These ovens have decks where you bake each pizza, and usually allow you to bake anywhere from four to six pizzas at a time. Cook times in these ovens are going to be longer than that of brick oven pizzas. You are going to need about six to eight minutes to fully back a pizza in a pizza deck oven. 

With pizza deck ovens, you do need to keep a close eye on the pizzas, and you may need to move them around. With that, you can lose heat from the oven which will lead to longer bake times. The benefit is that you can bake up to a half-dozen pizzas at one time. Pizza deck ovens are also ideal for small to mid-sized restaurants and businesses. 

Conveyor Pizza Ovens

Conveyor pizza ovens are some of the fastest baking pizza ovens in the business. This is precisely what makes conveyor pizza ovens the best option for larger businesses and restaurants. With the power that these ovens deliver and their high rate of pizza production, these ovens do require a lot of space and power. Single stack conveyor pizza ovens can occupy up to 150 cubic feet in your restaurant, and triple stack conveyor ovens can take up more than double that space. Conveyor ovens are great at 

Pizza Convection Ovens

Convection pizza ovens do not have the capabilities, space or power to cook a lot of pizzas quickly, but they can be great for small restaurants. These commercial restaurant ovens will normally have anywhere from two to five racks per chamber, and you can usually fit two, 16-inch pizzas on each rack. Commercial convection pizza ovens are effective in that they only take around five to six minutes to fully cook pizza. For these reasons, convection ovens are not the best choice for restaurants that primarily serve pizza. They are better suited for restaurants that serve pizza along with a more robust list of menu items. 


Even though pizza consumers in Texas and across the United States prefer the trend of brick oven pizza, there are a plethora of benefits that come with any of these great commercial pizza ovens. If you are a new or existing restaurant owner and need to buy or sell commercial pizza ovens in Texas, contact our commercial restaurant equipment experts at Texas Restaurant Supply today.