How to Pick the Right Ovens for your Commercial Kitchens

One of the most critical components of any restaurant is the oven. No matter what kind of food you serve, the right oven can make a world of difference, both on the quality of your dishes and the efficiency of your service. 

However, there are so many options available that it can seem a little overwhelming to pick the right one. Fortunately, we know what to look for, so let this guide assist you in your decision. 

Step One: What Do You Need the Oven For?

While it may be tempting to break out the commercial oven catalog and start comparing sizes and heat ratings, the fact is that you need to have a clear idea of your needs first. What kind of food will you be cooking the most? Racks of bacon? Soft and warm dinner rolls? 

Determining how you will be using the oven will help you find the right model for your kitchen. This way, instead of looking at unnecessary features, you can focus on the components that matter. 

Step Two: Pick a Fuel Type - Gas or Electric

There are two primary ways to heat your oven - with gas or electricity. Both options can work well in commercial kitchens, but there are advantages and disadvantages to each method. Let’s break down the pros and cons. 


First of all, you need to determine whether you’ll be using propane or natural gas. The latter option is usually cheaper, and you don’t have to refill tanks. Instead, you can connect to the wall. However, if your kitchen doesn’t already have a gas hookup, it can be costly to install one.


  • Fast heating 
  • Cost-efficient (compared to electric)
  • Lower maintenance costs


  • Uneven heating (hot and cold spots)
  • Potential hazard (i.e., gas leak or fire)
  • Harder to clean (grease and burn spots)


For the most part, electric ovens are the easiest to use. Simply plug them in, and you’re ready to go. That being said, they can use a lot of electricity, so you need to be sure that your outlets can handle that level of energy flow.


  • Easy to install
  • Wider variety of designs 
  • Safer than gas
  • Even heat distribution
  • Easy to clean


  • Take longer to heat
  • Increase energy bills

Overall, knowing the difference between these two options can help you make the right decision for your kitchen. Also, keep in mind that the best solution is a mix of both gas and electric ovens. 

Step Three: Pick an Oven Type

There are many different styles of commercial ovens out there, which can make it challenging to choose. Here is a quick breakdown of each type, as well as the kind of food it’s best suited to cook. 

Steam Oven

Rather than creating a dry heat, these ovens use steam for baking. Rather than crispy and brown edges, your dishes will be soft and gooey. 

Ideal For: decadent baked goods (i.e., cookies or brownies)

Conveyor Oven

As the name suggests, food is placed on a conveyor belt and then run through the oven. Each dish is blasted with hot air from both the top and bottom, ensuring that each dish is cooked thoroughly. 

Ideal For: fast-paced cooking that doesn’t include raw or delicate ingredients (i.e., raw chicken or pastries). 

Convection Oven

Unlike a regular oven, you’d find at home, a convection model uses fans to blow the hot air around the food, cooking it faster and more uniformly. Convection ovens are highly popular in commercial kitchens for these benefits. Some models can also come with steamers. 

Ideal For: baked goods and broiling. Some recipes may need to be adjusted due to the hotter temperatures. 

Deck Oven

Inside a deck, the oven is two heating elements (top and bottom) and a stone deck in the middle. Each component radiates heat and can be controlled separately. Some models have multiple layers so that you can cook different dishes simultaneously. 

Ideal For: Pies and quiches (anything with a crust). Bread is also well-suited for deck ovens.

Cook and Hold Oven

As the name implies, this kind of oven both cooks and holds the food once it’s ready. To do this, the oven uses low heat (like a slow cooker). Typically, these ovens have multiple racks so that you can cook a variety of dishes at once. 

Ideal For: Proofing bread dough or holding hot dishes until they are served. Not suitable for fast-paced service. 

High-Speed Oven

For restaurants with high volume sales, a high-speed oven may be the best solution. These machines combine microwave technology with convection heating to produce fast and reliable results. These ovens can also be programmed based on your needs. 

Ideal For: Fast-paced service restaurants

Contact Us Today for Your New Oven

No matter what kind of oven you need for your commercial kitchen, we have it ready for you. Come on in to see our stock and get a better sense of the oven’s performance and size. Let us help you make your kitchen run as efficiently as possible.